Wooyoung Lim's Research Page
Department of Economics, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Working Papers
- ‘Mediated Talk.’ (with Andreas Blume and Ernest K. Lai), August 2024, prepared for the entry at the Encyclopedia of Experimental Social Science, edited by Bereket Kebede.
- ‘Patience Is Power: Bargaining and Payoff Delay.’ (with Jeongbin Kim and Sebastian Schweighofer-Kodritsch), August 2024, revision resubmitted to Journal of European Economic Association.
- ‘Positive and Negative Selection in Bargaining.’ (with Dongkyu Chang and Duk Gyoo Kim), February 2024, revision requested by Journal of Economic Theory.
- ‘When To Visit: Information Acquisition in College Admissions.’ (with Youngwoo Koh), November 2023, revision requested by Games and Economic Behavior.
- ‘Toward an Understanding of Optimal Mediator Choice.’ (with Jin Yeub Kim), November 2024. [Experimental Instructions available here]
- ‘Lying and Deception in Reputation Building.’ (with Syngjoo Choi and Chanjoo Lee), May 2024.
- ‘Getting Permission: Experimental Evidence.’ (with Philip Neary and Joel Sobel), November 2024.
- ‘Controlled Cursedness.’ (with Chen Zhao), March 2024.
- ‘Unveiling the Failure of Positive Selection.’ (with Dongkyu Chang and Duk Gyoo Kim), July 2024.
- ‘Shame and Fame in Competition.’ (with Yong-Ju Lee), February 2024.
- ‘Persuasion with Strategic Reporting.’ (with Run Li), November 2024.
- ‘On Identifying Higher-order Rationality.’ (with Siyang Xiong), August 2016.
- ‘Strategic Thinking Skills: A Key to Collective Economic Success.’ (with Syngjoo Choi and Seonghoon Kim), forthcoming at American Economic Journal: Microeconomics. [Online Appendix available here]
- ‘Multilateral Bargaining over the Division of Losses.’ (with Duk Gyoo Kim), Games and Economic Behavior, 146 (2024), 59-76.
- ‘Vague Language and Context-Dependence.’ (with Qinggong Wu), Frontiers in Behavioral Economics - Behavioral Microfoundations, (2023) 2:1014233 (doi: 10.3389/frbhe.2023.1014233).
- ‘Cheap Talk with Prior-biased Inferences.’ (with Yong-Ju Lee and Chen Zhao), Games and Economic Behavior, 138 (2023), 254-280.
- ‘Mediated Talk: An Experiment.’ (with Andreas Blume and Ernest K. Lai), Journal of Economic Theory, 208 (2023) 105593.
- ‘Preferences vs. Strategic Thinking: An Investigation of the Causes of Overcommunication.’ (with Jonathan Lafky and Ernest K. Lai), Games and Economic Behavior, 136 (2022), 92-116.
- ‘Tie-breaking and Efficiency in the Laboratory School Choice.’ (with Wonki Jo Cho and Isa E. Hafalir), Journal of Economic Theory, 205 (2022) 105546. [Online Appendix available here]
- ‘In Vino Veritas? Communication Under the Influence - An Experimental Study.’ (with Pak Hung Au and Jipeng Zhang), Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 197 (2022), 325-340.
- ‘Does Jump bidding Increase Sellers' Revenue? Theory and Experiment.’ (with Siyang Xiong), Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 189 (2021), 84-110.
- ‘Herd Immunity and a Vaccination Game: An Experimental Study.’ (with Franco P. Zhang), PLOS ONE 15(5): e0232652. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0232652.
- ‘The Borrowing Puzzle: Why Do Filipino Domestic Workers in Hong Kong Borrow rather than Dissave?’ (with Sujata Visaria), the Asian Development Review, 37 (2020), 1-23.
- ‘Endogenous Authority and Enforcement in Public Goods Games.’ (with Jipeng Zhang), the B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, 20 (2020), 1-22.
- ‘Strategic Information Transmission: A Survey of Experiments and Theoretical Foundations.’ (with Andreas Blume and Ernest K. Lai), (2020), C. Monica Capra, Rachel Croson, Mary Rigdon and Tanya Rosenblat (eds), Handbook of Experimental Game Theory, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- ‘Eliciting Private Information with Noise: The Case of Randomized Response.’ (with Andreas Blume and Ernest K. Lai), Games and Economic Behavior, 113 (2019), 356-380. [Supplementary Material for Mutual Information]
- ‘The Informational Theory of Legislative Committees: An Experimental Analysis.’ (with Marco Battaglini, Ernest K. Lai, and Joseph Wang), American Political Science Review, 113 (2019), 55-76. [Online Appendices available here]
- ‘Meaning and Credibility in Experimental Cheap-Talk Games.’ (with Ernest K. Lai), Quantitative Economics, 9 (2018), 1453-1487.
- ‘Conventional contracts, intentional behavior and logit choice: Equality without symmetry.’ (with Sung-Ha Hwang, Philip Neary and Jonathan Newton), Games and Economic Behavior, 110 (2018), 273-294
- ‘The Emergence of Compositional Grammars in Artificial Codes.’ (with Fuhai Hong and Xiaojian Zhao), Games and Economic Behavior, 102 (2017), 255-268. [z-Tree code available here]
- ‘Coordination via Correlation: An Experimental Study.’ (with John Duffy and Ernest K. Lai), Economic Theory, 64 (2017), 265-304.
- ‘An Experimental Investigation of Stochastic Adjustment Dynamics.’ (with Philip Neary), Games and Economic Behavior, 100 (2016), 208-219. [Online Appendix available here]
- ‘Voluntary Participation in Public Goods Provision with Coasian Bargaining.’ (with Fuhai Hong), Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 126 (2016), 102-119.
- ‘An Experimental Analysis of Multidimensional Cheap Talk.’ (with Ernest K. Lai and Joseph Tao-yi Wang), Games and Economic Behavior, 91 (2015), 114-144.
- Online Appendix
- Formerly titled "Experimental Implementations and Robustness of Fully Revealing Equilibria in Multidimensional Cheap Talk"
- ‘Communication in Bargaining over Decision Rights,’ Games and Economic Behavior, 85 (2014), 159-179.
- ‘Bounded rationality and group size in Tullock contests: Experimental evidence,’ (with Alexander Matros and Theodore L. Turocy), Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 99 (2014), 155-167.
- ‘Selling Authority.’ Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 84 (2012), 393-415.
- ‘Authority and Communication in the Laboratory,’ (with Ernest K. Lai), Games and Economic Behavior, 74 (2012), 541-560.
- ‘Contests with a Stochastic Number of Players,’ (with Alexander Matros), Games and Economic Behavior, 67 (2009), 584-597.